Sunday, February 21, 2010


During our lives we meet so many people. Some of them can be called friends, the others are deemed to be relatives. We long to meet the "only one", but when we actually meet that very "one", it seems that very "one" is not the right one.
It's really shitty to be alone in the apartment that I hate! Your one is having fun with his dull friends and I've got nothing to do about it. I cannot go somewhere and have some fun 'cause it's not "my" town. I cannot help but feel sad and broken inside.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

No credit is actually a good thing!

Back in 2007, when I started writing news for one of the credit card sites, bad credit card news was a rare occurance. New cards were launched, credit companies were generous enough to appeal customers with great programs before the holiday season. It's December 1 and I decided to visit that very site I used to write for and I was shocked to read the news. Citibank rises its interests up to 29.99%! As for the other banks, they're going to follow this trend.
It's so embarassing! There are tons of articles that describe plastics as a necessity and convenience. I've never had a credit card in my whole life. NEVER! I've never applied for a loan. Why not use debit cards that provide the same levels of security and peace of mind that you won't become a bankrupt someday? Sad to say but credit cards seem to be a very dangerous weapon in the long run.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Being thankful for little pleasures of life

It's fall, the time of seasonal depression. Many of my friends complain about laziness, tiredness and indifference...Sunny days become a rare occurence. It means more time indoors. Not the best idea, but it's better than wind and cold.
The weather is really horrible end to that rain...But today I'm okay with that. No more dark thoughts about how ugly this city can be when it's raining :) It seems that I have finally found that very stillness inside of me. It's so GREAT! Just a year ago, I was totally obsessed with a ton of problems. Just like in the ads, don't change the world, just change your attitude. At that time, I couldn't understand how it was possible. Now I can enjoy the slightest moments in my life and be absolutely grateful for these little pleasures.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Stars and us

Have you ever met people who follow horoscopes? Magazines, radio, TV...Mass media generally uses this trick to attract folks. I've always been immune to such "tricks" until...
One of the my favorite TV shows is all about wedding. It's called "Let's Get Married!" (It's a Russian show but I'm sure there's something like that in the US. MTV has something like that if I'm not mistaken).
This show is stupid and funny at the same time but I like the astrologist who gives advice to both parties(a potential bride or bridegroom).
We all know at least some basic information about our zodiac signs. But what strikes me most whenever I watch this show is the words of that very astrologist...It's not the basic information but some peculiarities I've never heard about.
This night I watched a video conference with this astrologist. It's a middle-aged pretty woman, and kind of friendly-looking for an astrologist. I'm not sure how it sounds in English, but it must be astrology charts. These are personal charts with signs and symbols I've never be able to decipher myself. But fortunately there's an explanation after that chart.
At least it was like that in my case.
I was pleasantly surprised with the results. These were not typical words about Cancers. It was something completely more about me! I also submitted results for my boy-friend. It was quite interesting you know...When you communicate with someone who's not that good at expressing his thoughts, it could be a great problem (to both parties :) Now I have more information about him and I think I know what I should do next. Now I'm more confident about my decisions.

Friday, October 2, 2009

From kitty to cat

Here's a wonderful trasnformation of my female-cat - from kitty to cat :) Enjoy!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Animal Intelligence

Being a proud owner of a crazy kittie named Asya, I must admit that animals are smarter than we may expect. I still remember the dispute between me and my Philosophy teacher dealing with animal intelligence. He insisted that animals had no intelligence in comparison with humans. I was really furious about that. My old cat Senya had just gone through a very complex operation and I couldn't possibly hear anything about "animals followed by their instincts only".
As a cat-lover, I can say that each and every cat has its own personality. Just like us, they can be curious, funny, serious, scared or interested in smth. Asya is much like a kid of 2 or 3. She adores playing with us and her "toys". It's worth saying that she's extremely creative when it comes to toys.
She really enjoys playing with everything that rustles. This can be practically everything from cellophane bags to candy wrappers. She plays with her toys as if she plays hockey. Plus, she adores playing fetch, a typical game for a dog. But she really likes it.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Twilight wonders

I'd heard a lot about the Twilight movie before I actually watched it. I knew the plot...something about the love between a vampire and a human teen-girl. But I wasn't that intrigued at that time. When I started to read the second book "New Moon", I spent hours in front of my laptop cause I could not possibly tear myself out of it. Now that I've read all the books I can say that it's a fantastic saga. It's one of those books that changes something in you. The characters are too real in spite of the fact it's a fantasy novel.
I was really excited about how Stephenie came up with this story. It was a vivid dream featuring a handsome vampire and a human girl of 17. It was a DREAM! She wasn't a professional writer, she was an ordinary house-wife, and that's why I was so impressed. The Twilight books have become one of the wonders in my life.